A Note from Our Director
In 2013, scientist Matthew Lieberman wrote:
“Across many studies of mammals, from the smallest rodents all the way to us humans, the data suggests that we are profoundly shaped by our social environment and that we suffer greatly when our social bonds are threatened or severed… we may not like the fact that we are wired such that our well-being depends on our connections with others, but the facts are the facts.”
158 years earlier—Walt Whitman put it more poetically:
“Every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.”
I And You
Together: We can generate heartfelt compassion to lift one another up. Together: We can embrace the beauty of our humanity to ensure collective joy. O, the solace we might find, together, exploring the ancient question: What is the meaning of life, and, in the end, what do we leave when departing it?
An Indian proverb proclaims:
“The negligence of a few could easily send a ship to the bottom, but if it has the wholehearted cooperation of all on board it can be safely brought to port.”
We are this human ship, I and You.
And may this story, this theatre, provide safe harbor for a while, and let us strengthen our hearts, minds, and human connections before being dispatched, once again, into unknown waters….together.
Scott Shallenbarger